Information for Parents

Information for Parents


Enrolment into any of our services can be done by student’s home school via referrals by the local education authority. Parents can also access any of our sessions privately. Contact us today to discuss your child’s needs.

Communicating with Staff

Parents may contact staff via the following emails address:


We understand the importance of working in partnership with our parents & carers. To keep parents & carers informed of their child’s academic and personal progress, we do the following: At the end of your child’s sessions with us, we issue a comprehensive report that highlights strengths and areas for improvement for behaviour, attendance and progress in academic subjects. This provides parents & carers with the right information and data to be able to have a good discussion with their child about what needs to change to improve outcomes. It also makes sure that service staff are regularly assessing which child requires additional support and intervention. Targets are also set for improvement which can be judged at the end of the next half-term.

Online Safety

As an alternative education provision, we take online safety serious and have a robust online safety in place. We believe it is vital that parents and carers put safety measures in place to keep their children safe from harm online. Please see information here on tips and advice.

Parent Consultation

Due to the short-term nature of our work with students, parent consultation is available only on request. We have found this to be a useful exercise as parents & carers who attend can listen in person to what teachers have to say about the academic and personal progress of their child. This is also a good opportunity to survey our parents & carers on their opinions and thoughts about different aspects of the service.

Improving sleep patterns and healthy routines

To be able to get the best out of education, school and life in general, children and young people need to be in good sleep patterns and good healthy bedtime routines. This will mean that they can wake up feeling refreshed and ready to face school. It will also mean that children are able to attend school every day and on time, feeling alert, healthy in mind and body. The better sleep children get, the healthier they will be now and into the future. Please find a range of very helpful resources on the following website:

Teens & Young People - Teen Sleep Hub

We also suggest that any child or parent / carer who have concerns and need advice, download the following useful information booklets, leaflets and guides.