About Parity Education and Careers Ltd
Educational Support
Our outreach and online tuition service is designed to provide personalised and supplementary learning to students outside of the traditional classroom environment. We typically focus on offering tuition to students who may require extra help with their academic studies, either due to additional learning difficulties, the need for more enrichment, or specific circumstances that prevent them from attending school regularly. We work with school refusers, new migrant students, students with medium to long term medical conditions, low attaining students, etc. Our approach is holistic, and in many cases, we work collaboratively with schools and parents to design a personalised learning plan for students referred to us. The input from us continue to play a crucial role in supporting students to overcome academic challenges and achieve their educational goals while maintaining a flexible and personalised approach to learning.
Behaviour Mentoring and Therapeutic Support
Behaviour Mentoring and Therapeutic Support is aimed primarily at students who are disengaged from learning in mainstream school and/or at risk of exclusion. Our Specialist Therapists include:
• Speech and Language Therapists
• Sports Therapists
• Art Therapists
• Music Therapists
• Occupational Therapists
• Mentors
• Psychotherapists
CEIAG & Post 16 Pathways
Our CEIAG (Careers Education, Information, Advice, and Guidance) is a comprehensive approach to preparing students in year 10 and 11 for their future career and educational pathways. Our guidance is fundamental in helping students make informed decisions about their post-16 options. Students who complete KS4 phase of education are too often uncertain about their next steps. Our Post-16 pathways encompass a range of options available to students as they transition from secondary education into further education, training, or employment. Students are able to fully access our CEIAG provision to help them navigate these pathways effectively.
NEETS and Life Skills Programme
Our NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training) programme is a targeted initiative aimed at helping young individuals who are disengaged from traditional education and not actively participating in the workforce. The programme focuses on providing essential life skills, education, and support to empower these NEETs to re-engage with society, access educational opportunities, and ultimately find gainful employment or training. Our life skills programme is complementary to our NEETS program as it encompasses a wide range of achieving competencies that are vital for personal growth, effective interpersonal interactions, problem-solving, and overall well-being. Developing and honing these skills can lead to more successful and fulfilling lives. They play a significant role in personal, academic, and professional development, and are essential for adapting to the demands of an ever-changing world.
Respite and Reintegration Service
Our respite and reintegration services are sessions designed to provide temporary relief and support to students who may benefit from a brief spell away from mainstream school. We support with equipping them with various strategies to help them manage their experience of school when they are reintegrated back. We offer a maximum of six weeks placements, and this provision is delivered virtually. In cases when students have a fixed term exclusion, we work with schools to support their time away and students stay on their school roll and return at the end.
Young Offenders Education Service
Our Young Offenders Education Programme is a specialised educational programme designed to address the unique educational and rehabilitative needs of young individuals who have become involved with the criminal justice system. This service comprises of social inclusion work and specialist tuition geared towards obtaining qualification so that these young individuals can transition into the job market or further studies. We tailor our educational support and guidance with a focus on helping them acquire essential skills, knowledge, and values that can contribute to their rehabilitation and successful reintegration into society.